Training and development policy


Carrington Parish Council is committed to the training and development of its Councillors and staff, in order to assist the Council in achieving its aims, objectives, priorities and vision, as well as ensuring the Council is kept up to date with all new legislation. To support this funds are allocated to a training budget annually to enable Councillors and staff to attend training and conferences relevant to their office. Prospective Councillors and applicants for the post of Clerk should be made aware of the content of this policy and the expectations placed upon them. 

Policy statement 

Carrington Parish Council is committed to ensure that it continues to fulfil its duties and responsibilities to residents professionally. To that end the Council’s intention is that Councillors, Clerk and any other workers of the Council are suitably equipped with the correct knowledge and skills to carry out their roles and maintain effective working practises. 

The Council will procure or provide such training and development opportunities as it deems necessary and relevant for the delivery of its work. It is essential that Councillors and staff are given equal opportunity to develop their knowledge of local government and the law relating to parish councils and to learn new skills to promote partnership working and community engagement in order to become effective councillors and lead a modern and progressive Parish Council of the future. Councillor and staff development should be regarded as an integral part of the Council’s business. 

Training and development activity

Carrington Parish Council consists of eight elected or co-opted Councillors and one part time Parish Clerk who is also the Responsible Financial Officer. In addition, volunteers from within Carrington parish provide support for the parish’s work. 

Training and development for each of the Councillors will be reviewed regularly but will contain, as a minimum requirement: 


Clerk/Responsible Financial officer 

The Council will meet the costs of all pre-approved training undertaken or meetings attended, including mileage and parking costs involved. 

The Council will pay for pre-approved subscriptions to relevant publications and advice services, including the purchase of the approved handbook, Local Council Administration. 

Training needs identified

Training requirements for Councillors will be ongoing but will usually be identified by the Councillors, the Chair and/or the Clerk with opportunities to attend courses being investigated by the Clerk and brought to the attention of full Council. 

Annually the Council will formally review the training needs of the Councillors and the Clerk at a meeting of the Parish Council. 

Training needs for the Clerk will be identified initially through the recruitment process for new Clerks, including the application form and interview, and then through formal and informal discussions and annual staff appraisals. 

The Clerk is expected to keep up to date with developments in the sector and highlight to the Council any training required. 

Resourcing training 

Annually an allocation will be made in the budget, each year as required, to enable necessary training and development.  

Annually the Council will consider an allocation in the budget for the payment of a subscription to the Society of Local Council Clerks and Cheshire County Association of Local Councils to enable the Clerk and Councillors to take advantage of their training courses and conferences. Purchase of relevant resources such as publications will be considered on an ongoing basis. 

Evaluation and review of training

All training undertaken will be subsequently evaluated by the Council to gauge its relevance, content and appropriateness. Any additional training needs highlighted as a result will be brought into the training identification process . 

Training will be reviewed in the light of changes to legislation or any applicable regulations relevant to the Council: This will include requirements for new qualifications; new equipment; complaints received; incidents which highlight training needs; requests from the Clerk, Councillors or volunteers. 

The Clerk will maintain a record of training attended by themselves and Councillors