Picture of St George's Church, Carrington

Welcome to Carrington

The Parish of Carrington is home to a mixed residential and employment areas with some heavy industry, such as the Trafford Energy Park, petrochemical and paper recycling plants.  A large area of the Parish is green space for agricultural use.  The residential areas accommodate less than 200 homes and just over 360 electorate at present.  Over the next decade this residential development is set to increase with an expected 725 new homes and 46,450 additional employment spaces; accompanied by the Carrington Relief Road, with an expected opening date in 2027 to alleviate the HGV traffic along the A6144.

With all this development the Parish Council tries to keep abreast of all the changes to able to present clear information within our planning pages.

About Us page
Community Info page
Parish Council meeting page
Planning pages
Finance page
Governance page
Facebook logo with link to parish council  facebook page

Parish online noticeboard

Previous notices

Current interest and developments

Link to Carrington Relief Road page
residential planning and developments

Feeding the community

The Parish council works with Neighbourly an award-winning giving platform that helps businesses make a positive impact in their communities by donating volunteer time, money and surplus products, all in one place. 

Using a network of Parish council members and volunteers, surplus food is collected from M&S and distributed to Carrington and Partington families who need a little help on a daily basis.