Crime and Disorder Policy

Carrington Parish Council has a duty to consider the impact of its functions and decisions on crime and disorder in its area, under Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. 

All Parish  Councillors have access to a copy of 'Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 a Practical Guide for Parish and Town Councils

As part of that process the Town Council will fully engage with the all applicable bodies to: 

In exercising those functions, the responsible authority shall act in co-operation with the following persons and bodies, namely:  

and it shall be the duty of those persons and bodies to co‐operate in the exercise by the responsible authorities of those functions 

The Parish Council will represent the views of its community and ensure that local crime reduction strategies represent those views. 

As an integral part of this policy the Parish Council will continually review the ways in which it carries out its various functions and duties to ensure crime and disorder reduction in the parish of Carrington.