New Carrington 

New Carrington Masterplan

Masterplan (indicative)

New Carrington Masterplan by Wain Group
Map of New Carrington Master plan - land parcels

Click image for full size

Table of land allocation by housing type in New Carrington

Green belt land released for development

Current and Proposed Green belt on Carrington Moss

Wain Estates Proposed Green Belt 2021?

Occupation in their proposed area include:

Doesn't leave much of a true green belt area

New Carrington boundary map with Wain estates proposed Green belt

Indicative movement and highways plan

Map of indicative movement and highways plan for New Carrington

Green Infrastructure Plan

Map of Green Infrastructure Plan for New Carrington

Blue Infrastructure plan

Map of Blue Infrastructure plan of New Carrington

Environmental Strategy

Map and overview of Environmental Strategy for New Carrington

Ground Conditions

Map of Ground Conditions for New Carrington

Note: Night Soil = Human waste deposited in the late 1800's. 173 million tonnes


COMAH Site Map for New Carrington

The Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) places limitations on where residential properties can be built

Historic Environment Assessment 2020

If you like a little bit of history, there is some great Carrington history in these documents