GSMF policy for New Carrington

Policy GM-Stat 11 New Carrington

Development of New Carrington will be required to:

1. Be in accordance with a masterplan or Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) that has been approved by the Local Planning Authority, to ensure the site is planned and delivered in a coordinated and comprehensive manner;

Residential Development

2. Deliver around 5,000 units, of which 4,300 will be delivered in the plan period at Carrington / Partington and Sale West, in the following distinct character areas, as set out on the Allocation Policy Plan:

  • Carrington Village – approximately 600 units

  • Sale West – approximately 1,450 units

  • East Partington – approximately 2,600 units

  • Warburton Lane – approximately 420 units

3. Deliver high quality residential units which are accessible, integrated with the existing community and well designed to create a genuine sense of place;

4. Demonstrate how the constraints on land to the west of Warburton Lane can be addressed. Planning applications will need to demonstrate how the site will:

i. Integrate into and reflect the character of the historic landscape; avoiding areas of the highest heritage significance;

ii. Integrate successfully into Partington and the wider New Carrington allocation, both in terms of physical linkages and the ability to understand the wider area as a distinct place. Development proposals which do not address these constraints will not be accepted;

5. Deliver a range of house types, sizes, layouts and tenures through a place-led approach based on each of the Character Areas in the New Carrington Masterplan / SPD and the Trafford Local Plan;

6. Deliver residential development at the following average densities, recognising the distinct characteristics of each area:

  • Carrington Village – average 35 dph

  • Sale West – average 40 dph

  • East Partington – average 35 dph, increasing to an average of 40 dph in areas close to the existing Partington urban area. Higher density development at an average of 55dph will be appropriate close to the local centre;

  • Warburton Lane – average 25 dph

7. Provide a minimum of 15% affordable housing across the New Carrington allocation. In determining appropriate affordable housing provision regard should be had to the distinct Character Areas within the New Carrington site which each reflect different housing markets. The New Carrington Masterplan / SPD and the Trafford Local Plan will provide additional guidance on appropriate affordable housing contributions for each of the Character Areas;

8. Make specific provision for self-build/custom-build plots, subject to local demand as set out in the Council’s self-build register;

Employment development

9. Deliver around 350,000 sqm (gross) of employment opportunities for industry and warehousing as set out on the Allocation Policy Plan;

10. Create legible streets and spaces within the employment area with attractive buildings that respond positively to the landscape and provide accessible linkages to residential areas and local / neighbourhood centres;

11. Create employment and training opportunities for local people in particular through the construction phase, to be set out in a Local Labour Agreement in accordance with Local Plan policies;

Delivery and phasing

12. Coordinate the phasing of development with the delivery of infrastructure on the site, ensuring sustainable growth at this location;

13. Make a proportionate contribution, by means of an equalisation mechanism, to infrastructure delivery. Detailed requirements will be set out in the masterplan/SPD;

Transport, Integration and Accessibility

14. Deliver accessible streets which prioritise cycling, walking and public transport over the private car;

15. Deliver a network of safe cycling and walking routes through the allocation, utilising the Carrington rides, improving the Trans Pennine Trail and creating new/enhancing existing Public Rights of Way and bridleways;

16. Deliver connected neighbourhoods which successfully link with existing communities at Carrington, Partington and Sale West, overcoming barriers such as the Red Brook to successfully integrate development;

17. Utilise the route of the disused railway line through the site as a strategic sustainable transport corridor providing links from New Carrington to the wider area as part of the Carrington Greenway scheme which includes reinstatement of the Cadishead viaduct for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as contributing to future improved east/west public transport linkages;

18. Deliver bus priority infrastructure within the site and, where appropriate, on bus routes linking to the site;

19. Deliver and directly contribute to the Carrington Relief Road to provide an alternative route to the A6144 and a strategic link through Carrington, incorporating provision for pedestrians, cyclists and bus priority measures. Other highway links to access development parcels will also be required, including:

i. Southern link – connecting the A6144 Warburton Lane and the A6144 Manchester Road (via either Moss Lane or Broadway), crossing the Red Brook and providing a local route around the Partington urban area

ii. Eastern link – connecting development parcels in the East Partington area to Isherwood Road, crossing the rail line and linking through the employment parcels

iii. Sale West link – from the Carrington Relief Road and extending south through the Sale West development parcel and linking to Firs Way.

20. Make the necessary improvements to the Strategic, Primary and Local Road Networks including the following key new / upgraded junctions to enable the proposed level of development and mitigate the impact of increased vehicle numbers:

i. Carrington Spur widening on the approach to M60, J8 (approx. 500m)

ii. Carrington Relief Road widening between Isherwood Road and the Carrington Spur

iii. Upgrades to the Flixton Road junction

iv. Upgrades to the Carrington Relief Road / Banky Lane / Carrington Spur junction

v. Upgrade Isherwood Road

Community Facilities

21. Provide a new local centre with convenience shopping facilities and services in the region of 2,500 sqm of retail floorspace, within the East Partington development area at a scale to serve the needs of the proposed communities and improve the sustainability of the wider Partington and Carrington area;

22. Provide new Neighbourhood Centres at Carrington Village and Sale West to provide local services and community facilities;

23. Provide and contribute to the provision of additional primary and secondary school places. Extensions will be required to primary and secondary schools in Partington and Sale West;

24. Provide and contribute to new health facilities to support the new community;

Green Belt

25. Provide a significant green corridor through the site which remains in the Green Belt and provides an area of protected, high quality, accessible green infrastructure;

26. Create defensible Green Belt boundaries utilising, where appropriate, existing landscape features;

27. Mitigate any impact and improve the environmental quality and accessibility of remaining Green Belt land;

Green Infrastructure

28. Provide significant areas of open and accessible green space throughout the allocation as part of the wider strategic green infrastructure network. These will provide important multi-functional recreational spaces and active travel routes, linking different areas within and beyond the site;

29. Retain, create and enhance wildlife corridors and stepping stone habitats within the development areas to support nature recovery networks, provide ecosystem services and accessible green infrastructure;

30. Provide a range of types and sizes of open space within the allocation boundary in accordance with the Council’s open space and outdoor sports policies, including local open space; natural and semi-natural greenspace; equipped and informal play and youth provision; outdoor sports facilities and allotments, ensuring arrangements for their long term maintenance;

31. Protect the green spaces at Sale West identified on the Allocation Policy Plan and promote their use as an accessible green infrastructure area. These areas are protected from development and proposals will need to demonstrate how they will deliver improved Green Infrastructure and access (including new/improved public rights of way) to these parcels to mitigate the impact of development;

Natural Environment

32. Protect and enhance natural environment assets within the site and the surrounding area, including Brookheys Covert Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), local Sites of Biological Importance (SBIs) and local nature conservation sites and features including woodland and hedgerows both within and adjacent to the allocation;

33. Achieve enhanced delivery of ecosystem services through the restoration and creation of areas of wetland within the site, commensurate with the identified high potential of the area in this regard and the role of the allocation site in the context of the Local Nature Recovery Network for Greater Manchester;

34. Deliver a clear and measurable net gain in biodiversity, including provision for long-term management of habitats and geological features which may include SUDs systems of high biodiversity value created as part of the overall flood risk and drainage strategy;

35. Protect and enhance the habitats and corridors along Sinderland Brook, the River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal as part of the catchment-based approach for the Upper Mersey to improve the existing water quality and seek to achieve ‘good’ status as required under the North West River Basin Management Plan (2019);

36. Provide a project specific Habitats Regulation Assessment for planning applications of over 50 residential units or 1,000 sqm employment floorspace;


37. Retain important landscape views and features such as the rides, hedgerows and tree belts and use these features to develop a distinct sense of place at Carrington;

38. Conserve and enhance local landscape character, including the setting of the Dunham Massey estate and Warburton Deer Park;

39. Provide appropriate landscape buffers across the site, including a substantial landscape buffer along the southern boundary of the Warburton Lane development parcels to mitigate the impact on the rural landscape to the south of the allocation area;


40. Ensure new development is place-led, creative and contextual in its response, respecting the local character and positive local design features of the area;

41. Be in accordance with the Council’s adopted Design Guide embracing strategic design principles, including creating connected communities, redefining streets, delivering inclusive characterful design and responding to heritage;

42. Respect the urban/rural fringe setting in the design of the development, in terms of its height, scale and siting, and demonstrate high standards of design;

Historic Environment

43. Positively conserve all aspects of the historic environment as appropriate without harm to the significance of heritage assets or their setting and in accordance with a Heritage Impact Assessment;

44. Positively conserve archaeological features and, where appropriate, carry out archaeological evaluation in the form of geophysics, field walking and trial trenching for areas specified in the New Carrington Historic Environment Assessment 2020 to establish where especially significant archaeology should be preserved in situ;

Utilities, Environmental Protection and Climate Change

45. Mitigate the impacts of climate change and utilise the most energy and water efficient technologies to achieve zero carbon by 2028;

46. Explore and deliver the most appropriate solutions to providing decentralised, low carbon heat and energy as part of new residential and employment development. This will include exploring the potential for the development of district heat, cooling and energy networks, energy centres, the implementation of renewable and low carbon heat and energy technologies in design and the co-location of potential heat and energy customers and suppliers;

47. Ensure new development maximises on-site renewable energy measures in line with the energy hierarchy, for example via solar PV and other low carbon technologies, linked to the provision of and supply to electric vehicle charging infrastructure;

48. Make provision for necessary infrastructure such as utilities, full fibre broadband and electric vehicle charging points in accordance with relevant GMSF or Local Plan policies;

49. Mitigate flood risk and surface water management issues, both within and beyond the site, including provision of SUDS through the design and layout of development and in accordance with a flood risk, foul and surface water management strategy. The allocation-wide drainage strategy should be prepared after having fully assessed site topography, flood risk, existing water features and naturally occurring flow paths to identify where water will naturally accumulate. The strategy will demonstrate how each phase interacts with other phases of development and further detail will be set out in the Masterplan / SPD;

50. Incorporate on-site measures to deal with surface water and control the rate of surface water run off. Planning applications will be expected to apply the full surface water hierarchy and ensure water is managed close to where it falls by mimicking the natural drainage solution;

51. Demonstrate that development proposals will not adversely affect existing water supply infrastructure that passes through the site. This will include consideration of any changes in ground levels and management of the construction process;

52. Address land contamination issues by undertaking appropriate site investigations to identify the level of contamination and deliver effective remediation to ensure there are no unacceptable risks to human health and the water environment;

53. Incorporate appropriate noise and air quality mitigation particularly along major transport corridors, including HS2, and in relation to existing and new businesses, facilities and employment uses, including existing operational wastewater treatment works;

54. Improvements to the existing Partington and Altrincham wastewater treatment works will be supported where they are needed to respond to future foul and surface water infrastructure requirements.