Air Quality
The parish council have installed an Air Quality Monitoring System on Manchester Road opposite the business park entrance. The system purchased is commonly used by many local authorities.
NO2 primarily gets in the air from the burning of fuel. NO2 forms from emissions from cars, trucks and buses, power plants, and off-road equipment.
Concentrations of NO2 @
Ground level ozone(O3), is not emitted directly into the air, but is created by chemical reactions. This happens when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other sources chemically react in the presence of sunlight.
The Air Quality Standards Regulations 2010 set the target that that a three-year average of 8-hour mean concentrations of O3 should not exceed 120 µg/m3 more than 25 times.
PM2.5 particles are invisible to the naked eye and small enough to pass through the lungs, into the bloodstream, and into your organs. Generally, they come from the combustion of solid and liquid fuels, through power generation, domestic heating and in-vehicle engines.
PM10 is any particulate matter in the air that include including smoke, dust, soot, salts, acids, and metals. Particulate matter can also be formed indirectly when gases emitted from motor vehicles and industries undergo chemical reactions in the atmosphere or other sources such as or domestic fireplaces
What the weather is doing can have direct effects on air quality at a given location. For example, sunshine, rain, air temperature and wind can affect the amount of air pollution present:
Sunshine - makes some pollutants undergo chemical reactions, producing smog.
Rain - washes out water-soluble pollutants and particulate matter.
Higher air temperatures - speed up chemical reactions in the air.
Wind speed, atmospheric turbulence/stability, and mixing depth - affect the dispersal and dilution of pollutants.
These organisation have permits issued by the Environment agency
Basell Polyolefins UK Ltd
Carrington Site, Urmston, Manchester, Gtr Manchester, M31 4AJ
Carrington Power Limited
Carrington Power Station, 132 Manchester Road, Carrington, Greater Manchester, M31 4AYS
Wainstone Energy Limited
Carrington II Power Station, Manchester Road, Greater Manchester, M34 1AX
UK Power Reserve Limited
Carrington Peel Power Station, Manchester Road, Carrington, Manchester, M31 4QN
SAICA Paper UK Limited
144, Manchester Road, Carrington, Manchester, M31 4QN