Trafford Core Strategy for Carrington

Extracts from Trafford Local Plan: Core Strategy - Adopted January 2012

Place Objective

CAO1: To create a high quality, sustainable residential development as part of high quality mixed use redevelopment scheme.

CAO2: To ensure that there is an appropriate mix of housing types and tenures to contribute significantly to meeting the housing needs of Trafford.

CAO3: To maximise the re-use or redevelopment of previously developed/derelict land.

CAO4: To provide the right conditions to support local community facilities and those of nearby Partington including health and education services.

CAO5: To provide the right conditions for residents of Trafford, but particularly Partington and Sale West, to access employment opportunities.

CAO6: To improve the levels of community facilities to provide for the needs of the new and existing community.

CAO7: To improve and enhance the appearance and quality of the environment, including green and open spaces for recreational purposes and the public realm.

CAO8: To maximise the re-use or redevelopment of the substantial amounts brown-field land.

CAO9: To provide the right conditions to attract and retain economically mobile people within Trafford.

CAO10: To redevelop the economic capacity of Carrington and attract significant new activity to secure its future economic viability.

CAO11: To ensure the development of sustainable modes of transport to key town centres from Carrington.

CAO12: To create a local population that will support the revitalised local shopping centre in Partington.

CAO13: To protect and enhance areas of environmental importance.

CAO14: To protect and enhance the Mosslands as a natural carbon sink to mitigate the effects of climate change.

CAO15: To provide clearly defined green corridors to join the urban fabric with the surrounding greenspace assets.

CAO16: To improve access to the surrounding open countryside.

CAO17: To reduce the physical isolation of Carrington.

CAO18: To secure significant improvements to the public transport infrastructure, including connecting Carrington with the rest of Trafford and beyond.

CAO19: To secure improvements to the transport infrastructure including linkages to the motorway network.

CAO20: To secure improvements and use of pedestrian and cycling facilities along routes such as the Trans Pennine Trail.

CAO21: To investigate opportunities to link this part of Trafford directly with Salford.

CAO22: To ensure all new development is constructed in accordance with the latest environmental standards.

CAO23: To maximise opportunities to locate low-carbon/decentralised energy facilities as part of the proposed new mixed use development.

CAO24: To support the development of waste management facilities.

CAO25: To maximise opportunities for green roofs and tree planting.

CAO26: To protect and enhance the historic character and features of historic importance.

Policy SL5 - Carrington

Strategic Proposal

SL5.1 A major mixed-use development will be delivered in this Location, providing a new residential community, together with employment, educational, health and recreational facilities. This will be supported by substantial improvements to both public transport and road infrastructure.

SL5.2 The Council considers that this Location can deliver:

  • 1,560 residential units comprising, predominantly, accommodation suitable for families;

  • 75 hectares of land for employment activities;

  • New road infrastructure to serve the development area to relieve congestion on the existing A6144;

  • Significant improvements to public transport infrastructure by improving access to Partington, the Regional Centre and Altrincham with links to the Metrolink system

  • Community facilities including convenience retail, school provision, health and recreational facilities of a scale appropriate to support the needs of the new community; and

  • High quality green infrastructure within the new community and connects with the surrounding open countryside and protects and enhances the existing sites of environmental importance.

SL5.3 The site specific implications of this proposal will be detailed and identified in the Carrington Area Action Plan.

Development Requirements

SL5.4 In order for development in this Location to be acceptable the following will be required:

A Flood Risk Assessment must demonstrate that the development will be safe, without increasing flood risk elsewhere, and that it will where possible reduce flood risk overall. Uses identified in national guidance as being more vulnerable to flooding such as residential, certain leisure uses, healthcare and educational facilities must be located outside Flood Zone 3;

  • Contributions towards schemes to mitigate the impact of traffic generated by the development on the Strategic, Primary and Local Road Networks; these include public transport and highway infrastructure schemes;

  • That approximately 80% of the housing to be provided is made up of family accommodation;

  • Development must demonstrate high standards of sustainable urban design in accordance with Policies L5 and L7;

  • Provision of affordable housing to be made in accordance with Policy L2;

  • Improved access for residents on foot or cycling, to the surrounding green space and open countryside;

  • A contribution towards the provision of additional utility capacity;

  • The protection and enhancement of the mossland as a carbon sink to mitigate the effects of climate change;

  • The Council will consider the need for development proposals to be referred for possible Habitat Regulation Assessment (HRA);

  • The protection and enhancement of the sites of nature conservation and biological importance, including the Carrington Rides, Broadoak Wood and Brookheys Covert; and

  • To protect, enhance and preserve, heritage assets and their wider settings, including the Listed Church of St George.

SL5.5 The detailed phasing of the infrastructure requirements will be addressed through the Carrington Area Action Plan.


Implementation will be through private sector development. This Location is substantially within a single ownership. The site specific implications of this proposal will be detailed in the Carrington Area Action Plan.

Priority 1 Project

  • Refurbishment of 132kV High Voltage Electricity Distribution Network Between Barton and Carrington

  • Flixton Road/ Manchester Road Junction Improvement Works

  • 860MW GasFired Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Generating Power Station

  • 1520MW Gas Fired Combined Cycle Gas Turbine Power Station

Priority 2 Project

  • Carrington Link Road to the Development Site

  • Improvements lo Local Highway Network and Public Transport Provision

  • On-Site Provision or Contribution Towards Off-Site Provision of New 2 Form Entry Primary School

  • Provision of Green Infrastructure and Open Space and/ or Contribution Towards Off-Site Provision

  • Improvements to Existing and Development of New Indoor/ Outdoor Sports Facilities

Priority 3 Project

  • Development of Small GP Practice

  • Significant Investment in the Local Waste Water Treatment Assets

  • Reinforcement of the Local Electricity Supply Network

  • Reinforcement of the Local Gas Supply Network

Priority 4 Project

  • Provision of a New Canal Crossing Across Manchester Ship Canal

  • Increase intake at existing secondary schools


8.67 The Carrington Location is predominantly a brownfield development location, with much of the land (but not exclusively) being made up from the substantially contracted chemicals complex. It has the potential to deliver a mixed use sustainable community, providing high quality family accommodation that will help meet Trafford’s identified housing needs up to and potentially beyond the end of the Plan period. It will also provide a range of employment opportunities to meet the economic regeneration and development needs of the Borough and to contribute towards the economic prosperity of the City Region in the 21st Century.

8.68 All residential units in this Location will be expected to deliver affordable housing provision in line with Policy L2, this will be determined via a site specific viability study, but will not normally exceed 40%. Similarly the site offers the capacity to meet a substantial proportion of the Borough’s family housing needs.

8.69 This Location is therefore capable of delivering a significant contribution towards both the Borough’s economic and residential development priorities of meeting local needs and regeneration priorities within this part of the southern City Region.

8.70 The phasing reflects the likely availability of funding and programme of works anticipated at this time.

8.71 The scale of development proposed at this location is designed to be of such a level that it will establish an additional local population, which will assist in maintaining the viability of valuable community facilities in the neighbouring Priority Regeneration Area of Partington, such as the rejuvenated shopping centre and health and education facilities.

8.72 Scope for increasing the level of residential and commercial development beyond that included in the Proposal will be determined in the light of monitoring work carried out in relation to Policies L1 and W1 of this Plan and the satisfactory provision of identified infrastructure requirements and appropriate mitigation measures. Such provision will be determined by way of future reviews of this Plan.

8.73 Proposals to improve the highway and public transport infrastructure serving the area will improve the sustainability of the Location as a focus for development, making it accessible by a choice of transport modes. This will create and significantly improve transportation links to the Strategic Road Network, Metrolink and cross conurbation to Salford (a Manchester Ship Canal crossing will be subject to further investigation).The alignment of the link road to serve the development area and ease congestion along the A6144 will be determined by the Carrington Area Action Plan.

8.74 The outcomes of the Greater Manchester Transport Modelling Assessment indicate that significant schemes are required to mitigate the impact of this development on the Strategic Road Network and the Primary and Local Authority Network.

8.75 Transport mitigation measures will be identified to offset the impact of traffic generated by the development on the M60, in agreement with the Highways Agency and TfGM, with funding streams identified and obtained and be operational in advance of the first occupation of the development in accordance with Policy L4.

8.76 An ecological assessment and survey(s) will be expected to be undertaken to determine the potential impact of the proposal on any habitats and sites of, nature conservation and biological and ecological importance. It will also be expected to produce an environmental assessment to determine the impact of the development on factors including air pollution and noise. A further Habitat Regulations Assessment will be carried out as part of the Carrington Area Action Plan to assess any effects that could arise from potential atmospheric pollution and recreational pressure on the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation (SAC).

8.77 Development in this Location will be expected to deliver an appropriate scale of green infrastructure provision and open space, sport and recreational facilities in line with Policies R3 and R5.

8.78 TheTrafford Historic Landscape Characterisation Report identified elements of the chemical works at Carrington Moss to be a good example of an Industrial sub type and the core of Carrington as a settlement of historic importance. In line with Policy R1, elements of these previous uses are deemed to be of historic interest and its features identified and retained, where appropriate.

8.79 The location of specific uses within Carrington will be designed to reflect the outcome of the Manchester, Salford and Trafford Level 2/Hybrid Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, including appropriate mitigation measures, and will be detailed in a future DPD, in line with Policy L5.

Miscellaneous extracts

Other Protected Open Land

R4.7 The Council will protect the following areas of open land (that are not included within the Green Belt) from development:

(a) Land in Warburton (immediately to the south of Partington); and

(b) Land south of Shell, Carrington

24.20 The land in Warburton, south of Partington and the land south of Shell, Carrington are the only significant areas of land (not within the Green Belt) which are not identified for development within the Plan Period. Therefore until such time that a strategic review of the Green Belt takes place they are being protected for potential residential use and potential economic development respectively

Agricultural Land

R4.5 The Council will protect existing agricultural land as an important resource for Trafford’s local economy. In particular, the Council will seek to protect the Borough’s: (a) Richest soils located south of Carrington Moss (Settled Sandlands) for agricultural purposes;

24.17 The Trafford Landscape Strategy identifies land to the south of Carrington Moss, known as Settled Sandlands, as the area with the richest soils to support arable farming, and Timperley Wedge in the East with less rich soils to support a mixture of pasture and horticulture together with recreational uses.

10.15 Proposals for housing in the Carrington Strategic Location and the South City Region could have a negative effect on the Manchester Mosses SAC in relation to recreational pressures. HRA will propose appropriate mitigation for any damaging impacts. Further guidance will be provided in the Land Allocations Plan.