Small scale energy reserve

Site layout map

Site layout

plant elevation plans

Plant elevation plans

Picture of visual impact on landscape

Visual impact on landscape

Approved 13 June 2022 with the following conditions, with associated applications for approval of conditions

Condition 1: Development must begin not later than three years from permission date

Condition 2: Construction completed as per submitted plans

Condition 3: Need full specification of all building material to be used | 108604/CND/22 Full discharge of conditions

Condition 4: Prior to occupation have completed a Remediation & Enabling work strategy

Condition 5: Remediation strategy. only if any more contamination is found | During construction

Condition 6: Piling not permitted without a report to demonstrate there is no risk to ground water | 108820/CND/22 Full discharge of conditions

Condition 7:  Noise to be kept with levels defined in Noise Impact assessment | When operational

Condition 8:  Compound fencing design, siting and colour | 108604/CND/22 Full discharge of conditions

Condition 9:  CCTV and access controls, full details to be submitted prior to occupation | 109599/CND/22 Partial Full discharge of conditions

Condition 10: Soft Landscaping, full details to be submitted prior to occupation | 109599/CND/22 Partial Full discharge of conditions

Condition 11: Landscaping schedule to be submitted prior to occupation

Condition 12: Arboriculture Impact assessment to list all tree, hedgerows and scrubs to be retained

Condition 13: Car parking spaces can't be changed for any other use at a later date. | When operational

Condition 14: No clearance of trees and shrubs during nesting session

Condition 15: Redacted on report

Condition 16: External lighting scheme, full details to be submitted prior to above ground construction | 109599/CND/22 Partial Full discharge of conditions

Condition 17:  Traffic management and servicing plan, full details to be submitted prior to development commencing | 108604/CND/22 Full discharge of conditions

Condition 18: Construction and Pre-construction environment plan (CEMP) to be approved before any demolition commences | 108604/CND/22  Full discharge of conditions

Condition 19: Facility not to exceed annual maximum of 3000 hours per engine | When operational

Condition 20: Development carried out as per drainage assessment

Condition 21: Drainage management and maintenance plan to be approved prior to above ground construction | 109057/CND/22 Full discharge of conditions

Condition 22: Site must has separate drainage system for foul and surface water