Meeting Generally

Tongue in cheek plain English version, but always following the Standing Orders to comply with the Law

3. Meeting generally

To put things into plain English

  • The Mover is Sara

  • The Seconder is Gill

  • The Chair is Liz

  • Motions are items

a. We can't meet in the pub.

b. Three "clear days" notice are need to hold a meeting . Clear days exclude Sunday, Christmas or Easter holiday break, bank holiday, public thanksgiving or mourn.

c. If a notice is posted today, today isn't a clear day; the three days starts from tomorrow.

d. The public can join in with council meeting, unless we say not because the items discussed are public interest or confidentially issues.

e. The public can have their say only during the public participation section.

f. The total time the public can have their say is 30 minutes, unless Liz wants to extend this during the meeting.

g. A member of the public cannot speak for more than 5 minutes (during public participation.)

h. The council don't have to response immediately to a question from the public. Liz may have a chat or drop them a note later.

i. If a member of the public has a question, they must raise there hand (just like at school) and stand when speaking (but not if we are on a virtual meeting)

j. All public questions must be directed to Liz.

k. Be polite, only one person to speak at a time. If lots of people are speaking at once, Liz will tell you all to shut up and pick the order she wants you to speak.

l. If you attend a meeting you can record it, take photos ( no selfies with Liz please) to share with those not present.

m. Be polite, don't do any live commentary or reporting, that's plain rude when others are trying to speak.

n. We need to provide the press with facilities they need.

o. The Vice-Chair does what the Chair can (in there absence), but check the standing orders first.

p. The Chair is the boss of the meeting, if no Chair present, then the Vice-Chair, If neither are present then the council must choose another Councillor.

q. We need a quorate to vote on a decision.

r. The Chair has the casting vote if there are equal votes .

s. Voting is by a show of hands, recording who voted what.

t. The minutes must include: time and place; name of councillors who attended or absence; declaration of interests; any dispensations; councillors who left a meeting because of any interests held; the public participation; resolutions made.

u. Councillors can vote on any matter they have disclosed a pecuniary or other interest.

v. No quorate, then no business transactions can happen.

w. No quorate, then close the meeting.

x. Meeting maximum time is 2 hours

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